Mountains: characteristics and types. Conversation about mountains in the senior group Who says what about mountains

A story about the mountains

In the mountains they don’t like loud words. Mountains are an anti-world. People there admire the rainbow UNDER THEIR FEET, cook porridge from the rope, live high in the magnetic field of the peaks, and there is also a wind blowing in the face - the WIND FROM THE EARTH'S ROTATION.

There is the COOLEST SUPERSHOW in high-altitude mountaineering. It's called the EMISSION TEST. This is when food, heavy equipment, barrels of fuel, camp kitchen utensils, and hefty transport bags are dropped from a helicopter onto the moraine near the base camp. It turned out that the gas stove was flying down with the squeal of a half-cut pig.

Wrapped in foam rubber gas cylinders fall onto the moraine like bombs, but they don’t explode. But harmless flour in bags EXPLODES when it hits the ground: a durable jute bag breaksapart! The melted butter in the tin cans was tightly sealed, but the lid was knocked out... The marmots spent a long time licking the fatty stones; The marmots obviously liked the ghee. The biggest miracle: after a strong blow to the moraine, the gas stove WORKED!

Our favorite roach passed the ejection test best of all - she deserves a damn! But Dr. Alexey Shindyaykin let us down... He saw boxes with a red cross falling on the glacier and shouted to the whole Pamir: “My optics are there! "KODAK" WITH PENTAPRISM! What are you doing... mother...!!!” Calm down, Doc! When you hit a glacier, your pentaprism will become a SEXIPRISM!

Getting out of the tent under EVEREST, at an altitude of about 8000 m, is like going into outer space. The astronauts wear a pressure helmet with light filters on their heads, while the climbers wear a motorcycle helmet and dark glasses. They both have oxygen in their backpacks. Cosmonauts have a strong halyard, climbers have a nylon “magpie” rope.

The doctors stuck a needle into my vein, but the BLOOD PUSHED THE NEEDLE OUT! It turns out that at altitude, all your blood is in circulation. On the plain, one third of it is usually located in a reserve depot - in the liver. However, William Shakespeare guessed about this four hundred years ago: “Squeeze all your veins, let all your blood go into battle. Let your great spirit rise to its full height!”

On the Pamir firn plateau I suddenly saw butterflies in the snow. Golden, motley, but they were dead. What brought them to the ice-snow desert at an altitude of 6000 m? Gust of wind? The beauty of the icefall or just curiosity? Ernest Hemingway wrote in his book “The Green Hills of Africa” how he saw the skeleton of a tiger on the top of Kilimanjaro.

What is this strange climbing tiger? Maybe he was tired of the heat in the savannah and therefore reached the highest point of the continent, where the snow lies? High altitude climber from Moscow Boris Korshunov told me that among the snow and ice at altitudes of about seven kilometers, there are quite a lot of living creatures: dragonflies, flies, butterflies, spiders. Aubiquitous crows visit garbage dumps at climbers’ sites.

Mountains are the cuisine of the weather. Right behind the tent canopy, a storm front is forming before our eyes: tomorrow’s clouds are gaining moisture. I see how a “snow - ice” or “rocks - snow” thermocouple works. Any couloir (a hollow in a slope) acts like a wind tunnel: it directs the wind. However, the great German Goethe knew about all this about 250 years ago: “On the plain we receive the weather ready-made, in the mountains we are present at its birth.”

A story about the mountains - near the Becho Pass in the Caucasus, a rescue squad was caught in a thunderstorm. At the tip of my ice ax, bluish-green lights suddenly flashed - the fires of St. Elmo... Electric discharges funny nibbled my earlobes. It wasn't scary at all. However, I am afraid of ball lightning: it is smart and alive. This fireball flies into the tent where three people are resting. He will simply circle over two of them, not touch them, but will burn the third. In a word, I LOVE A STORM WHEN IT'S DOWN.

Doctors told the master of sports, the “snow leopard” from Dushanbe Vladimir Mashkov: “You have a micro-infarction. You are already over fifty, lie still, move carefully... The nanny will bring the duck. It will get worse, swallow nitroglycerin." On the third day after being discharged from the hospital, Mashkov flew to the Pamirs. And immediately, without acclimatization, he rushed to the Pamir firn plateau, there was his scientific base-laboratory - business!

Vladimir overcame the climb to 5800 m quite easily: residual acclimatization took its toll. Vladimir “forgot” his medications at home. A month later, after several ascents to a height of 7495 m (former Communism Peak), Mashkov returned to Dushanbe and visited his cardiologist. “Excuse me, where are your scars?!” - “I threw them down there in one corner...” Doctors still do not know much about human resources, especially ABOUT SPIRITUAL RESOURCES.

One day, 15 young Sherpanis - porters - appeared in the bamboo thickets under the eight-thousand-meter Kanchenjunga peak. These were just girls, about 13-14 years old, citizens of Nepal. Each confidently carried a load of 15 kilograms behind her shoulders. The Sherpanis made their way through the dense jungle, deftly wielding curved Nepalese knives - kukris. They were all dressed... in black naval overcoats with anchors on buttons, each with a badge of the Leningrad Nakhimov School on their shoulders.

Mountain system in the Urals, located between the East European and West Siberian plains. The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are a unique geographical feature that divides the Eurasian continent into two parts.

In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains were called Riphean or Hyperborean. Russian pioneers called them “Stone”. The toponym “Ural” was most likely taken from the Bashkir language and means “stone belt”.

Length more than 2000 km, width from 40 to 150 km.
Altitude: 1,895 m.
Area: 781,100 km2

The formation of the Ural mountain system began about 350 million years ago and ended about 200 million years ago.

The mountains originate from the shores of the Arctic Ocean and end in the sultry deserts of Kazakhstan.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains
In the depths of the Urals are hidden countless riches known to the whole world. This includes the famous malachite, and semi-precious stones, colorfully described by Bazhov in his fairy tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals. Of the 55 types of important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals.

Nature of the Ural Mountains

This region is famous for its incredible natural beauty. People come here to look at the amazing mountains, plunge into the clear waters of numerous lakes, go down into caves or raft down the stormy rivers of the Ural Mountains.
The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and reserves. Once in the Sverdlovsk region, you definitely need to visit Oleniye Ruchyi. Tourists come here to see the drawings of ancient people painted on the surface of the rock. In the Kapova Cave, scientists discovered rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works by ancient artists were found in its vastness. In addition, you can visit numerous halls, grottoes and galleries, located on three levels, and admire the underground lakes.

Fauna of the Ural Mountains

The fauna of the “Earth Belt” is no less diverse. A predominant position in the local fauna is occupied by forest animals, whose habitat is coniferous, broad-leaved or mixed forests. Thus, squirrels live in coniferous forests, the main diet of which is spruce seeds, and in winter these cute animals with a fluffy tail feed on previously stored pine nuts and dried mushrooms. The marten is widespread in local forests, the existence of which is difficult to imagine without the already mentioned squirrel, which this predator hunts.
But the real wealth of these places is the fur-bearing game animals, the fame of which extends far beyond the region, for example, the sable, which lives in the forests of the Northern Urals. It, however, differs from the dark Siberian sable in its less beautiful skin of a reddish color. Uncontrolled hunting for valuable furry animals is prohibited by law. Without this ban, it would probably have been completely destroyed by now.
The taiga forests of the Ural Mountains are also home to the traditional Russian wolf, bear and elk. Roe deer are found in mixed forests. On the plains adjacent to the mountain ranges, the brown hare and fox feel at ease. We did not make a reservation: they live precisely on flat terrain, and for them the forest is just a shelter. And, of course, the tree crowns are well inhabited by many species of birds.

Usually by mountain they mean mountain tectonic origin. But there are also erosive And volcanic. Among the tectonic ones there are folded, blocky And fold-block mountains.

Tectonic mountains

Tectonic mountains- these are mountain ranges that originated on the seabed.

Volcanic mountains

During volcanic eruptions, magma does not always manage to reach the earth's surface. If the upper layers of the earth's crust at the site of the eruption turn out to be very strong and the cracks do not reach the surface of the Earth, the magma stops and solidifies, raising sedimentary rocks. Huge domes are formed, like mountains. Gore volcanic origin not much on the globe.

fold mountains

fold mountains- these are mountains in which layers of rocks are crushed into folds and, as a result of vertical movements of the earth’s crust, are raised above the surrounding area.

Parts of mountains

The highest parts of the mountains are called peaks, and pointed vertices - in peaks.


mountain range

It is very rare to find a lonely mountain on the earth's surface. Usually mountains are located in a row, one after another, for several tens and even hundreds of kilometers. Such a group of mountains stretched in a line is called mountain range.

mountain valley

The depression between two mountain ranges is called a mountain valley (Fig. 57).

Mountain country

Sometimes in a relatively small area there is a huge concentration of individual mountains and mountain ranges. It is difficult to make sense of such a jumble of mountains, because the mountain ranges stretch in all directions. This cluster of mountains is called mountainous country.

It is known that everything on Earth, absolutely everything, is born at some point, exists for some time, develops and then dies, is destroyed, being replaced by something new. And this applies not only to plants and animals, but also to rivers, lakes, seas, and mountains. Mountains, made of very hard rocks, live their own lives.

Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years pass, the mountains age, the pointed peaks disappear, and the once mighty ridges more and more resemble hills. Vast plains are formed.


Alps These are the highest mountains in Europe. The peaks of the Alps are covered with snow and ice, which do not melt throughout the year. The highest mountain, Mont Blanc (height 4810 m), is called the “white mountain”. Glaciers descend down the slopes of the mountains. Melting, they give rise to mountain rivers and waterfalls- streams of water falling vertically down steep cliffs. Deep valleys divide the mountains into separate ridges- elongated chains of mountains. The lowest parts of the ridges are called mountain passes.


Every year, hundreds of climbers climb the highest peaks of mountain ranges. Their path is not easy: after all, most of it passes along slopes covered with ice and snow. At the height of summer there are frosts and strong winds blow. The climbers have boots with iron spikes on their feet and ice picks in their hands. You have to walk very carefully: there are narrow, deep cracks in the ice that are not visible, since they are often covered with snow from above.

Guys! Today we will learn about another object that can be found in nature.

Guess the riddle.

She's tall, cool,

There is snow on the top,

Like a fur hat,

And the eagle circles above her. (Mountain.)

♦ Have you seen the mountains?

Mountains are large areas of the earth's surface, raised high above the adjacent plains. They make an impression on people that will last a lifetime. Each peak is unique, each turn of the gorge seems interesting and attracts you. I want to climb higher and higher into the mountains, to where the snow sparkles on the peaks, glaciers shimmer in the sun, the air is crystal clear and transparent, and from there, from a bird’s eye view, look at the world around me.

Mountains rarely stand alone; more often they go in a row, one after another, forming ridges. Between them lie mountain valleys where people settle. On the globe, mountains occupy about 40% of the land.

Listen to the poem.

Mountain ranges

Mountains lined up in a row

They stand like heroes.

They have ice helmets on them,

The mountains are powerful and gray

They keep the secret for eternity.

The squally winds are fierce,

Snow avalanches are falling,

Still the brave men storm

Inaccessible peaks!

As the poem correctly notes, climbers conquer the highest mountain peaks.

♦ What helps them with this?

First of all, man’s eternal desire for new, vivid impressions, courage, appropriate equipment and endless training!

Beginners usually begin to conquer mountain peaks under the guidance of an experienced instructor and choose low peaks with well-known routes.

♦ Would you like to become mountain climbers? Why?

The most mountainous continent is Eurasia. Here are the highest mountains - the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tien Shan. By the way, Tien Shan translated from Chinese means “heavenly mountains”.

The mountains are different in appearance. There are young mountains, and there are old ones. The old mountains have rounded peaks, gentle slopes, covered with greenery; among young people the peaks are sharp, rocky, steep, the slopes are steep. There is snow and ice on the peaks.

An example of young mountains is the Alps, Caucasus, Pamir, Himalayas. On the slopes of the mountains you can see giant boulders. Under the influence of wind, water, temperature differences - day and night - rocks are destroyed and eroded. Weathering of rocks occurs very slowly—millions of years. As a result of destruction, the top layer of the mountain is crushed and gradually becomes the basis for the formation of soil and the appearance of plants.

Scientists have found that modern Donbass, now a rocky plain, was a mountainous country with peaks reaching five kilometers more than 300 million years ago!

People live at the foot of the mountains or in the valleys between mountain ranges. The proximity of majestic mountains, the cleanest air and melt water of mountain rivers and streams, the wonderful beauty of green mountainous meadows gives their life a special meaning! The mountains are silent and solemn, they seem to be thinking their age-old mysterious thoughts. There is no rush or fuss here. Life flows smoothly and calmly, in accordance with nature.

Perhaps this is why centenarians most often live in mountainous areas. They are wise and calm, like the mountains themselves are wise.

Listen to the poem.

How wise nature is silent!

In silence, the fields ripen in the sun.

The black forest lakes are silent,

The mountains are silent, enveloped in deep thought.

But in the silence of age-old nature

Everything is permeated with living thought.

Answer the questions

1. What are mountains?

2. What do they look like?

3. What is a mountain range?

4. Where are the mountain valleys located?

5. Do people live in the mountains? Where do they build their houses?

6. What is the most mountainous continent on Earth?

7. Which mountains are called young and which are old? What is the difference?

8. Name the highest mountains in the world.

9. Why do mountains weather?

10. What does this lead to?

Many poems and songs are dedicated to mountains. They attract not only writers, but also artists and filmmakers - no one is alien to romance. Here are some interesting facts about the mountains.

The peak of the highest mountain on Earth, Everest, is located at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. The first climbers reached this peak at half past twelve in the morning on May 29, 1953. They were Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, his Sherpa guide. Tenzing later stated that it was Edmund Hillary who was the first to reach the top of the mountain.

In the Khabarovsk Territory there is the Konder mountain range, unique in that it has the shape of an almost perfect ring. Interestingly, this is not the crater of an extinct volcano, but the result of a magmatic intrusion. In this process, igneous rock emerges from the deep layers of the earth.

The highest point in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro. Its height is 5895 meters above sea level.

When talking about interesting facts about mountains, we should mention the Austrian Lake Grüner, surrounded by mountains. In winter, the depth of the lake does not exceed two meters. There is a nice park around the lake. In spring, the snow in the mountains begins to melt, feeding the lake with new water. By May, the depth of the lake increases to 12 meters and water covers benches, paths and even tree crowns. Thanks to the crystal clear water, the lake with its flooded park turns into a popular diving spot.

Angel Falls (meaning "angel"), falling from the top of Mount Auyantepui, is considered the highest in the world. The mountain that gives it its origin is translated from the dialect of the local Indians as “the devil’s mountain.”

The well-known heads of American presidents carved from stone were the result of the work of sculptors in the period 1925-1941. The original monument to Washington, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt was designed by sculptor Gotsum Borglum. After his death, his son continued the work, but soon the project was completely stopped due to a stop in funding. The Presidential Monument was declared complete, despite the original intention of depicting the nation's leaders from the waist up.

The Austrian part of the Alps occupies 62% of the total land area of ​​this European country.

Mount Ararat, considered the symbol of Armenia and depicted on the coat of arms of this country, is not located in Armenia. Part of the territory of Armenia with the mountain in 1921 went to Turkey.

The first scientific measurement of the height of Mount Everest was carried out in 1856. The result was exactly 29 thousand feet (equivalent to 8,839 meters). Considering that round numbers are rarely found in nature, and wanting to avoid accusations that the measurements taken were approximate, scientists declared 29,002 feet as the height of the mountain.

There are many mysteries associated with mountains. The height of Mount Kailash is 6666 meters. The distance from this mountain to the English monument Stonehenge is 6666 km. People living near Kailash age much faster (12 hours is equal to two weeks). Evidence of this is the growth of nails and hair. The mountain has two huge ridge-cracks, the shadows of which, especially in the evening, form an image of a huge swastika.

In some areas of Indonesia, China and the Philippines, burials in the form of coffins nailed to rocks are found. One of the Chinese national minorities, the Bo people, considers mountains the most suitable place for burials. This is explained by their beliefs that mountains represent a ladder leading from the earthly to the heavenly world.

The entrance to the Lemaire Channel in Antarctica is marked by a rock with two peaks, officially designated on maps as Una's Tits, translated as “Una's breasts.” The peaks received their name in honor of an employee of one of the British Antarctic expeditions. This native of the Falkland Islands bore name Una.

Interesting video. Noah's Ark found on Mount Ararat: